
Free download solar ash game steam
Free download solar ash game steam

free download solar ash game steam

Explore the house, find out all the stories, all the members of the Finch family, and dare to answer the mystery of what is going on in the house.

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As you explore the house, you'll come into contact with objects that'll allow you to see a member of the Finch families life, all of which will end with them dying. But why? What happened to them? You're about to find out. The only thing she does know, is that she's the last of her family line. What do you know of your family? Not just your immediate family, but the ones that are your extended family? Were they good people, did they help influence your families life? What if, you didn't know your family at all, but could find out all about them by reliving their final days? That is the question that gets answered in, " What Remains of Edith Finch." For in this unique narrative game, you'll play as Edith Finch, who has inherited the massive Finch manor, and within this house is the truth about her family which she does not know.

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